Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dario Pizzuto CAMP!!-Task 1

Ah camp, the few days which make my year. I have many fond experiences of camp, but lets face it, I will never be able to tell you the really interesting things that we got up to. Although I won’t tell you everything, I will tell you the things we did that were legal. I hope they were because in my opinion challenge valley was a form of child cruelty, and no it wasn't the terrible crawling through mud, gurgling a mix of dead insects and what ever else was hidden beneath the murky surface. It was the part were you had to go home to your parents and show them the beauty and delight of your muddy, soaking, smelly and rotten clothes. 
Anyway the first memory that really struck me of camp was definitely the giant swing! I can remember all the thoughts running through my head, wait no, the weren't running they were sprinting, I felt a ridiculously strange sensation running through my body which I had never felt before. I think I was somewhere in between soiling myself and bursting out laughing. As the final tug was made to pull me up the sensation just got ridiculous, I swear I could almost see fluffy elephants flying in circles around me. I the took hold of the rope that would release me from the safety of the other ropes holding me up, and the countdown began 3,2,1 GO! I pulled the rope a couple of times and on the third pull the ropes snapped and I started to fall. I spread my arms and resisted the urge to hold on. As the the rope tightened and prepared for the swing I was sent hurtling upwards and soared like and eagle. Then being the typical idiot I am I said “Look Mama I’m flying!!!!” where the hell that came from I have no idea. Must have been those stupid fluffy elephants. 
The next memory I have is quite daunting and scary, it was the second day of camp and Harrison was taking a shower and came out screaming ‘There’s a frog in our shower!’ in excitement (and don’t worry Harry had clothes on, i’m sorry if I planted any images in your mind). We all rushed to see the frog that lurked in our cabin bathroom (that included all the people in our cabin which was Dylan, Jared, Don, Jett, Harrison). Jett and I tried to catch he/she but the slippery sucker squirmed out of our hands every time we got a hold of it. Eventually Jett caught it and he was rewarded with a fresh batch of urine, thats right he took a leak right on Jett’s hand. So much for hygiene. Well I’m sure by now your saying ‘Whats so scary and daunting about that?’ I didn’t mention the second part did I? 
He was back!! On the last day of camp I walked into the bathroom and then the ambush began, thats right I was ambushed by a frog. He jumped on my leg, and I didn’t move, I just welcomed him as an old rival, from yesterday. I called upon my good friend Jett. We once again embarked on an epic battle. We fought for 2 minutes and our friend Mr Froggy was then cornered. Jett and I then advanced upon the frog and Jett grabbed him, and released him into the wild. He took one last look at us and then he jumped out our line of sight.
Mr Froggy will always have a place in our hearts.
Moving on, somewhere around the beginning of camp we were lead to pioneering. We were given some blocks of wood and some rope. The final goal was to create a catapult which would fire a water balloon. There were two teams and I only had one target. Yes, it was the lethal Justin Bieber of Year 7 ‘Dylan Chilchik’. My turn came last and all the other team piled up in front of our catapult eager to get wet. Then I spotted my target behind the crowd trying to hide, ‘HAHA I’m gonna ruin your hair!!’ I thought to myself, I felt like a psycho and it was awesome. I aimed the catapult towards the crowd. I pulled back. Then at the very last second I changed my angle towards Dylan and fired... A DIRECT HIT, BOOM HEADSHOT.
Those were my most favored memories of camp and I hope I didn’t bore you much. I certainly enjoyed it a lot and can’t wait until our next camp! Year 7 will be great!


  1. im sorry i went over the limit i got a bit carried away i can take some stuff out if u want?

  2. 16

    Well done Dario! This is a very engaging response detailing your most memorable experiences at camp. Your writing uses humour very well and contains some great descriptions. There is room for development here in parts of this response.

    There are some problems with spelling in parts of this but overall it is accurately written. Punctuation needs attention: use full stops to indicate the ends of grammatically complete sentences.

    A well structured recount. Well handled.
