Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Harrisons task 1 Camp

School and camp

As I stepped off the bus It was the start of camp, at about 11:25 and my heart was pumping.

First off we had snacks. After snacks our first activity was the flying fox. It was bigger than last year’s one and it was a lot of fun. When I saw it, it wasn’t that scary because it was tiny compared to what I have done before.

After the flying fox we did caving. Caving was cool. I almost got a really badly injured. After everyone had a left the cave we played hide and seek in the cave, and it was really scary we had to try find our instructor. Freddie found him first.

After caving we had afternoon tea, then dinner. Then we went on the night walk to the waterslides, it was such fun first we started off with 1 person sitting up straight and then we could do whatever we wanted. When we came back we had supper then went to bed, We stayed up really late and talked for ages it was so much fun.

We woke up the next morning and went for breakfast I was so tired. For breakfast we had bacon and eggs but I wasn’t that hungry so I just got some cerial. Our first activity for the day was the orienteering. We had to find all the numbers and words in the camp site; it was really hard I did it with Jazz, Freddie and Gemma. 

Next was my favourite activity the giant swing. Everyone got a turn. I went to the very top! It seemed awesome from up there. I pulled the rope and, Wahoo! It was like I was skydiving. It also felt like me heart is smashing out of me.

When we finished the giant swing everyone went back to our cabins to have showers and then we went on to our next activity. It was challenge valley. Challenge valley was the best activity because we difficult challenges and we got muddy and had to use our muscles. After challenge valley we had dinner. We had pasta and bolagnaise sauce. It was good but I didn’t have any bolagnaise sauce with mine.

The next day our first activity was pioneering. We had to use our brains and muscles to make a slingshot out of wood. My favourite part was at the end when we used our sling shots to shoot people with water balloons’ and we got soaked. After that was dinner and we had hamburgers they were delicious. We all had a big laugh at the dinner table about how fun camp was and then we had another night activity were we went into this shed and play games. It was really fun! but then we had to go to bed and I was really tired so I went to sleep straight away.

The next morning we hopped back on the bus to go back to school I was really sad but happy to see my family back at home. The bus ride was really  great fun but I fell asleep.
After the bus ride we came back to school. Everyone was exhausted after all those activities. My most memorable moment was the giant swing because I went to the top and it felt so wicked. I loved camp it was awesome. If I rated it out of 10 it would be 1 billion, all school camps are cool.

From  Harrison

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