*beep beep* my alarm clock goes at 6:30 in the morning. It was Wednesday the 2nd of February. I quickly got up because of the excitement; the cause of my excitement was that I was going to the Year 7 Orientation Camp. I was going to meet all of the new children and hopefully make some new friends. I then got dressed and was getting ready to go to camp.
I grabbed my luggage and headed for the door. I waved my mum goodbye and ”Bye see you on Friday.” I headed for the car, my dad Robert drove me to school that day along with by Brother Tate and my sister Paige. I am the oldest of the lot (which means more privileges). My brother is also departing for his camp as well, so my family can have a peaceful week, without me and my brother fighting.
After the short drive, we eventually arrived at school. We got together in our year groups, took the roll and then departed. I was sitting next to Eran who was listening to his iPod the whole way.
After an hour long bus trip we arrived at Cataract Scout Park. We put down our bags and headed to the mess hall for morning tea and an introduction to the camp from one of the co-ordinators Alicia. Then we were served cordial, biscuits and fruit.
We were sorted into our cabin groups. I was in a cabin with Bryson, Blair, Jono, Jordy and Zac. We took our bags into the cabins and chose our beds. I was on a top bunk. There were three bunks to a room. We were then told to get our mess kits and go down to the mess hall for lunch, I had forgotten how quickly you can waste two hours. We then had lunch the food at camp wasn’t great but we had to eat it otherwise we would have no energy for any of the fun activities. After lunch the boys were told to go and line up in two straight lines so we could be sorted into four groups.
I was put in group one and our instructor was Alicia and her assistant Chloe. The teacher who was participating in the activities was Mr Conroy our new art teacher. We then had to get our daypacks which consisted of a water bottle, a hat and sun cream.
One of my favourite activates was Challenge Valley which was a big obstacle course which was full of mud and included lots of running and lots of muscle power.
My second favourite activity was the 20 metre high Giant Swing. This is how it works; you put on a harness and helmet and climb up a ladder to get attached to a rope. You then have to step off the ladder and wait for your friends to pull you up the 20 metres. You then have to tug a little blue rope and you unexpectedly go flying like a bird and you feel like you are going to fall into the trees, but at that moment you swing backwards. At that point the fun had to stop and I had to let the next person have a go.
On the last day of camp it was time to pack up and go home. We packed our bags, cleaned our rooms and then took our bags outside ready to go. We then said goodbye and thank you to our camp instructors and headed for the door. We all put our bags on the buses and got on and were ready to go. On the trip back I was sitting next to Mikael who was reading his book in French. The bus trip seemed shorter on the way back than the way there. We had a great time and I will remember the fun I had forever.
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