Friday, February 25, 2011

Task 1 Jordan Domingues

An Autobiography: Jordan Domingues
Before I say anything else, an autobiography is usually a boring recount of some guy’s boring life. This is not your typical autobiography. It may be a story about my life but it won’t be hideously annoying to read, it will be about my fun adventures during my first week at school. Yes, school is a pain in the backside for some kids but for me the first week was about making new friends and having fun at camp.
I am not a popular kid who hangs with the cool guys and I am not particularly strong-in an arm wrestle, my friends can finish me off in a second! I’m not saying I’m a nerd. Actually I’m the funniest guy in my group (well I think anyway). I just think I can do with a little bit of extra muscle so I was determined to get a good workout at camp.
My room mates were awesome to hang out with: Jonathon, Ben and Sam. As this is a autobiography I won’t get into too much detail about them but in short, Jonathon is big (as in tall and strong), Ben is trying to improve his strength (a bit like me) and Sam is a bit random. We were so happy to be here rather than sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher go on and on and on and… about rocket science or the square root of some number.
We sat in the lunch room masticating our lunches when our camp leader said exactly these words, “Group four, you will be going caving and …” I forgot the rest of what he said as I was stunned and paralyzed with excitement. I got ready for the activity in a flash - as quick as a German Sheppard trying to catch a man running away with sausages in his hand. The walk to site took ages probably because it felt like the ground was as steep as Mount Everest and the grass was so overgrown it reached my knees. Finally, we did get there and I was as ready as ever for the adventure ahead because I, Jordan Domingues am a courageous caver and I was in the company of macho men and wonder women.
Lucky for me I as fourth in line so didn’t have long to wait. We got the activity started with safety equipment and torches in hand. The odour of the cave was not as excruciating as I expected, in fact, it was kind of sweet a bit like cinnamon.
I was walking down a steep path when l slipped. It was quite funny because when I dropped my flash light it managed to turn itself off, so for a while it was pitch black and I was desperately trying to find the ‘on’ switch. When there was light again I spotted my favourite animal a gecko. To be precise it was a leafed tail gecko looking for food, he was green and had a leafed shaped tail. I also noticed his alien-like feet as he trotted over the rocks.
Soon we were off again in a different direction. This time the path was a tight squeeze, I worried that some of the bigger guys might not get through. Our instructor told us that the stairway of rocks would lead us to the blackout room. No crap Sherlock it was dark as, when we switched off our torches!!!
On the way out we saw some frogs and escaped having to swim through pools of water due to a heat wave, but we didn’t get out of one last ‘squeeze’-We literally had to lie flat on our stomach’s to get through. Finally I saw some sun light and the exit was near! Just when I was about to declare victory I banged my head on the way out BUT I lived to tell the tale.
Camp couldn’t have been any better. I made some great friends and experienced things I may never experience again. I know it’s corny to finish with a happy ending but…

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