Unfamiliar Faces
It was a stormy day in Rome, Italy. My family and I John (Dad), Gloria (Mum), Lisa (Sister) and Carlito (Me) had started a big trip and this was the fourth destination. We had been exploring various parts of Rome such as the food and Notre dame. At that point I was having the time of my life but things screwed up a bit when we went on a tour…
It all started when we casually went down to the bistro in the hotel, we had planned a tour for the day which was going to be focused on various places of Rome, such as Churches and underground places. Once we were all set we commenced out into the city. We ended up looking at a few things on the way and by the time we finished it was lunch time, we went to a small pizza cart and got some scrumptious Italian food. Near where we were eating is where the tour group was meant to meet, a matter of time went past and there were a few couples and tourists. The tour guide started to guide us to our travel. We saw many places on the way and in my vaguest memory I was not interested in all this boring stuff we went past but I was happy anyway. After various Rome locations we arrived at a church, this one I could not remember the name of so I will recall it as the church with the statue where if you put your hand in it gets “burnt”, but of course you don’t get burnt it’s all a silly myth.
My family and I walked in to the church. It was a large gorgeous church with old ages architecture, I remember my parents being very fascinated with all this, which always ticked me off. So I just casually went along with it. After looking at various angel statues and putting our hand in the statue, my father and I walked out of the church but before we went to the exit my father told me I should pray on the way out. The bad thing was that my father went through a different door than me, and I found myself lost.
At that moment where all I saw were unfamiliar faces a rush of panic went through my spine all I did was cry and run. I ran for my life so fast that I ended up lost. Then when I finally stopped and calmed down I found myself in a strange park, after spinning in circles I fainted out of fear.
Suddenly I woke up being shaken by a strange man he had a long combed moustache and short black hair. It seemed like hours we were there staring at each other. After a while of oddly looking at each other this mysterious man starting talking to me with strange words, all I said was I don’t speak Italian and finally he said “speak English you? I said yes I do in a sudden action the man grabbed me by my body and ran away. HELP!! I was screaming but no one would come to help none was even looking! Suddenly a rush of heavy fear ran over my body again, until I saw a familiar place, the church! Here it was, and they’re very anxious was my family sprinting at me I was so happy my family was there, the man helped me, I assumed so I then said the only word I knew in Italian gracie. After much tears of joy we commenced to our next destination, and of course I was pouring with tears.
After walking for a short distance I saw a strange face on that man suddenly he pulled out something it looked like a sharp… DAD WATCHOUT!!!!!!
Well done. This is a tense story that build to a nice climax. You should develop this moment by further describing how you felt and what you did over those few minutes.
ReplyDeleteCharacters also require more background information on personalities, appearance etc to add depth to your story.
Some problems with punctuation. Use more full stops please to organise your sentences. Grammar good overall but occasionally you slip into the present tense, which sounds clumsy. Spelling good. A great response overall.